Prince George’s County Association of REALTORS®, Inc.
9400 Basil Court, Suite 400
Largo, MD 20774
301 306-7900
The Prince George’s County Association of REALTORS® (PGCAR) David Maclin Memorial Scholarship Fund Committee would like to acknowledge the community service efforts of our public school seniors. To this end, we are striving to award a $2,500 scholarship to three Prince George’s County High School students.
Each scholarship is to be used toward further education in any community college, university or trade school, and will be divided into two payments of $1,250 each. $1,250 will be paid for your Freshman year and $1,250 for your Sophomore year.
The scholarship criteria consists of writing a composition of 500 words or less on “What Difference Have I Made in My Community.” The scholarship applicant must be a graduating high school senior with at least a 2.0 grade point average.
Compositions should be sent to PGCAR and should include a completed application form, parental/guardian permission slip, 3 letters of recommendation and Letter of Acceptance from the university or college.
All entries must be received by close of business on February 28th, 2014. All winners will be notified no later than March 31st, 2014. The entries will be judged by the David E. Maclin Memorial Scholarship Fund Committee.